Thursday, March 31, 2016

Analysis 9 & 10

Analysis 9:

Holly did her informance video on Vatican City. Immediately as it began, I noticed and loved her song choice! I felt like it fit the city she was going to talk about very well. After introducing the city in a picture, she delivers cold hard facts. Nearly 5 million people visit Vatican City each year! She then talked about how Michaelangelo built it. I wish she could have used a little easier fonts to read for some of the slides because I could barely make out what they said. Holly really covered all her bases when it came to discussing the concepts we learned in class. My favorite part of her movie, besides her song choice, was the beautiful pictures she collected of Vatican City. She really used great pictures, not just any ole pictures she stumbled across.

Analysis 10:

I went to look up William Staker's blog and he doesn't have a link on the class roster page. He was on my group list (group 9). Therefore, I do not have 10 analysis', just 9!

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