Tuesday, March 29, 2016

BP: Movie Discussion Summary

Today in class we talked about 5 key questions and several ideas. I plan to talk about the ideas and questions I came out of the class with. The main focus is on design. We talked a lot about how design can be expressed and how design can have underlying messages. We can use design in our movies to portray messages about the design of an object we chose. In the movie review of the three movies, we are asked explicitly to define how design is expressed in each movie. It can be through visual cues or through animation. This can also be through the actors and the way the actors look. It is important to know if design is expressed in visual ways or through sound, such as music, or tangible items such as clothing. Understanding that will help you decide what the producer wants to get across in their film. Wall-E used several instances of sound to express the main message across to the viewer as well as several visual cues through animation. We also talked about how to identify the consumerism, process/product, business, social and cultural aspects as well as media in the films and tied this back to what we have been doing in class.

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